Sunday 28 November 2021

Little paws rescue: Julia Beaton response and questions !

 Julia Beaton and little paws rescue if i were you I would suggest you take this post about my dog down this my response to lies and manipulation and prove me wrong Julia Beaton so you go on to say in you’re post:

To all our friends and loyal supports.

I would like to make you aware of a rumour spreading about myself and Little Paws.  

  1. Julia Beaton these are not rumours this is the truth you try to take and keep my dog while I was in the hospital I literally had to call the police and I got my dog back did I not ? She’s right here right beside me as I type my response to you and you’re post on you’re website about my dog you used my dog to collect money for you’re dog rescue!

I would simply like you to know we have done our best to try and help this person and Zoe.​

  1. you have not once helped me or my dog and I have the text messages to prove it and how is it helpful to me to have you’re lawyer friend Shelley text me to call her saying you want to help me and my dog with vet costs and you created this story my dog needed a surgery I knew she never needed surgery and when I started questioning you what did you do Julia Beaton you ignore my texts my calls my emails you were making up every excuse and reason to avoid me because you knew I was on to you and was starting to question you and you’re intentions and I was right!

Unfortunately due to uncooperative and abusive treatment by the owner, we were unable.

  1. no you were making up excuses and reasons why my dog couldn’t even access those funds and donations for the fundraiser you did for Zoe for a surgery she never needed prove me wrong Julia Beaton!

The accusations are unfounded and frankly untrue.

  1. I’ve done nothing but be honest and upfront and you are the one Julia Beaton that seen an opportunity to create up a story that my dog needed a surgery which I knew she never needed then you still went ahead and did it because you never had the intention to help me or my dog to try and tell me a dog I’ve had for 8 going on 9 years what is best for her and how you got involved we know how that started to Julia Beaton ! Do you really want to go there because I will I have proof and evidence of everything everything is documented with police , advocates you tried to pin me out to first be a horrible dog owner that didn’t work I got my dog back and you literally made up story that my dog needed surgery and I said no and you kept trying to convince me and when you started to realize you couldn’t convince me you decided to keep the funds and donations for Zoe and ignore me I want you to prove me otherwise you have lawyers let’s go to court!

We are not in a position to discuss this any further, but we empathize with the pain this poor dog is in. 

  1. why won’t you discuss it any further because you know you’re a liar Julia Beaton and you created a story up and created a fundraiser for a dog you said needed surgery which I told you and you knew she never needed but you made that story up because you needed to find something to use to get funds and donations!
  2. Julia Beaton If my dog was or is in pain how come you never allowed her access to those funds and donations for the fundraiser you created how you ignored me for weeks then months because you know dam will Julia Beaton there are police records and it’s documented with the police and I got text messages I got copies of vet records everything and if that is or was the case you did the fundraiser in March 2021 how come when I got my dog back home after being in the hospital and had to repeatly call the police I came out the hospital having to call the police then I get her home seen by her vet then you have some lawyer friend Shelley call me and make up this story my dog needs surgery and you went ahead and did a fundraiser where is the money where is the funds and donations because Zoe never got access to those funds and still hasn’t seen any of those funds and donations prove me wrong Julia Beaton !  

We sincerely hope this person decides to do the right thing for the dog and surrender her so she can get the treatment she needs.

I sincerely hope you decide to give those funds and donations to Zoe in which they were raised for and admit you lied about her needing surgery you Julia Beaton are mad because you didn’t think I’d speak up and I’m not going to stop I would sincerely like to go to court and present my proof and evidence to a judge and have you Julia Beaton charged with fraud because you know what Julia Beaton if others were to know the whole story how my dog ended up in you’re custody and how I had to call the police and my dogs been back with me since I have the police records everything is documented Julia Beaton and you never had the intention to help I or Zoe because if she was in pain and suffering like you are trying to claim how the police or the spca haven’t token her away there’s a lot more I knows then you realize I hope you Julia Beaton and little paws rescue come to you’re senses and come back to reality because You know if i were to sue you I would be able to proof to everyone you are lying and have lied Julia Beaton I suggest you take you’re post down and stop lying because you’re only making me talk more and I will defend my dog I’m here voice and I know you creating a fundraiser for a surgery for a dog that never needed it shows what type human you are and what type dog rescue you are running clearly it’s about the money and I guess when you texted me and told me moneys tight you weren’t lying the lengths you went is honesty scary and makes me think I’m not the only one please Julia Beaton and little paws rescue let’s go to court I’ll prove to everyone how much of a liar you really are! 

Julie @ Little Paws Rescue

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